Product Pages SEO: A Guide for E commerce Ranking

Alka Rana ~ Modified: February 11th, 2023 ~ Ecommerce ~ 5 Minutes Reading

To grow a business, it is very obvious to be on the top of the search pages. Having your product on the top ranking will definitely increase your sales, as more potential people will find your product on search pages. Maintaining your product’s position in E E-commerce ranking is very important nowadays. If you fail to do so then your product pages will be lost somewhere on the eCommerce website.

There are various methods that you can use to perform product pages SEO. Your product pages should be enriched with these points so that they can rank. A wisely optimized product page is strong enough to attract customers and leads them to conversion. If you have applied all the pointers correctly and in an accurate manner then you don’t have to invest much in them for sales. It will automatically generate sales for you. You just have to monitor it regularly.

1. Product Pages Image Size & Quality

The first & Foremost step in product pages seo is accurate image size & quality. In online shopping, a person invests time in your product only when it is engaging customers. If the size you have chosen is not appropriately visible to your customer, then they will not proceed further. The quality of the image should be maintained to represent a clear vision of the product. As you cannot perform word-of-mouth marketing, your product images become an essential method of conversion.

2. Product Pages  Title & Description

Further step for product pages seo is the title & description. The Title & Description of the product should be written with golden keywords. Keywords help you to rank among your competitors. The title of the product should contain key pointers of your product. And the description should specify each & every details of your product which help them to completely understand your product. The product title & description should be clear & creative at the same time. The more specific your title & description is the more it will stand out in search pages.

3. Add Bullet Points

Adding bullet points in product pages enhances your products. It works like a call to action. It is the area where you can develop customers’ interest by explaining products’ USP. As It shows on the top from where the customer proceeds for further process, it must be written well with proper specification. It must include the brand of the product, manufacturer details, or other specifications of the product like color, dimension, material, warranty or product usage instructions.

4. Product video

Product video is an effective way to increase product pages ranking. Showcasing your product in motion helps consumers to understand the product in a more precise manner. It helps them to make the decisions whether this product will suit them or not. It gives a push to the emotion of the customers towards products which lead them to buying action.

5. Add Customer Reviews

Research shows that most consumers read customer reviews before purchasing it. Adding customer reviews helps consumers to know more about the product and convert consumers into buyers. Customer Reviews help to improve product pages seo ranking and increase visibility.

6. Product Recommendation

Always recommend products to your customers. Not every time a customer will buy what they have been searching for. Sometimes they also buy recommended products. Recommending products to the customers will help in increasing conversion rate. This way you can cross sell your product. This is the method to engage the users on your site . This way they will spend more time on it which increases product pages seo rankings.

7. Add FAQs

Sometimes people are not satisfied with the description about the product you have provided. They want some extra information or have some queries regarding the product. Being a Good seller you must have included answers of the question that people may generally ask. Adding FAQs helps you to engage customers with your product and build brand loyalty.

8. User Friendly Product Pages

Always remember that a product page’s loading speed is a key consideration when designing one. Users have been seen to leave pages that load slowly after a short while. You should take care to ensure that your pages load quickly because your product pages include a large number of bytes.. Slow load speed leaves your consumer irritated and they never come back to your brand. Fast Loading product pages help to increase sales & decrease bounce rate.

9. Mobile Optimization

Mobile search engines are another area where product page are individually tested for functionality. Because the majority of users are mobile, your product page must be mobile-friendly.. Check all the clickable buttons & links. Ensure that all the tabs are working on your mobile devices. It should be completely mobile friendly

Winding up

Enhancing Product pages will automatically create your brand imaging. Providing your customer the best information about your product and bind them with the most appealing reason to buy our product. While Creating product pages one should keep in mind all these points. It will help you optimize your product and increase conversion rate. To completely optimized your ecommerce account Pinnacle Seller Services is here to help you out.