Email Marketing For Ecommerce to Retain Customers: A Definitive Guide

Alka Rana ~ Published: December 3rd, 2022 ~ Ecommerce ~ 5 Minutes Reading

Email is still an important channel for marketing. Now it’s equally important for ecommerce industry who want to connect with their customers about shipment, orders or other transactional details. Emails are a popular means of online communication that’s why it is an effective medium of marketing. They help in engaging users, loyalty of customers towards your brand, share useful information, and announce deals or launching of new products.

What is Email Marketing For Ecommerce Means?

As the name suggests, email marketing for ecommerce is an effective marketing strategy that depends on emails to promote products and services of your online store. Email marketing is very popular in the digital world, that’s why it is effective, affordable & Profitable as well. Email marketing for ecommerce is as simple as shooting emails to a customer who has left items in the cart. Simultaneously it is complicated or tricky as connecting together various campaigns to generate more sales.

The way you utilize email marketing for ecommerce totally depends on you. It is entirely based on your business goals, marketing aim, or audience. The basic motive of email marketing for ecommerce is to build brand trust and retain customers whether old or new.

Types of Emails for Ecommerce Business

1. Welcome Mails

A welcome email is the first step towards developing a long-term customer relationship. This could be a game changing moment, so ensure your email is intent, excites the user, and prompts action. If your welcome email is nothing more than a signup confirmation, you’re doing it wrong. To begin with email marketing for ecommerce, the primary goal of these emails should be to show new and existing subscriptions which one your business is all about – since this is the point in time you have much more attention from a user than you will ever have again.

2. Personalized emails

Everyone likes to feel special. It takes it to a whole new level when a company remembers your birthday or anniversary. Personalized wishes with vouchers, special offers, perks, are very effective at increasing customer interaction and trust.
When someone opts into your email list without providing any additional information, simply ask for the date of birth or anniversary date. By offering incentives based on previous interactions, you can encourage customers to make purchases based not only on price, but also on common values, involvement, and overall brand experience.

3. Promotional emails

Another type of email marketing for ecommerce is promotional emails. These email’s motive is to drive sales to your store. It encourages new subscribers to make their first purchase. There are 3 types of promotional email:
a. Seasonal Promotional Email: These emails are sent when the business launches sales during a specific time of year such as holiday or an event.
b. Subscriber – only-Promotion Mail: These mail used to customers mailing list with exclusive deals that are only available to you.
c. Sale Emails: These mail are sent when a specific item is on sale or when your business holds any sale that is not seasonal.

These types of emails are beneficial to boost conversion, and increase leads volume even if the per item profit rate is less.

4. Confirmation Mails

Confirmation Emails are an important part of email marketing for ecommerce. These mails sent after a customer completes a specific action on your site, which is usually related to a placed order.

a. Order Confirmation Mail: This type of email is generated when a customer makes a purchase on your site and you receive an order request.

b. Shipping Confirmation Mail : These emails are triggered once you have fulfilled the customer’s order request and their product(s) is with the shipping carrier.

c. Delivery Confirmation Mail: When the carrier has successfully dropped your parcel to your doorstep then this mail triggers to notify the customer.

5. Product Based Emails

Product based emails are necessary in email marketing for ecommerce. It helps to keep your subscribers up to date with your products and make them engaged with your store. These emails keep you informed about new arrivals of products, out of stock products that are back in product, recommend products on their past purchase behaviors. Customers will get a good idea about your business or product.

Benefits for email Marketing For Ecommerce

1. Generate Traffic to your site.

website traffic

Email marketing for ecommerce helps to generate traffic to your site/store. It keeps your audience engaged with your brand/site. While creating email, keep in mind that it must have a call to action button so that you can drive traffic to your site.

2. Create Personalized Content

Personalization is the most important benefit of email marketing for ecommerce because it feels that this mail is specially designed for you. Email marketing for ecommerce helps you segment your customers into different lists based on their interests to send them personalized messages. Email is the ideal channel for delivering those personal-feeling messages, from constructing the perfect subject lines to images that feel familiar with your customers and valuable content that helps your audience.

3. Cost Effective

Cost Effective

Email marketing for ecommerce is a cost effective method in comparison to traditional marketing techniques. You don’t have to pay for a photoshoot, location fee or printing fee. You just require a copywriter & graphic designer to successfully create an email marketing campaign and you are good to go. As time and budget are always a limitation for marketers, email marketing for ecommerce can be more efficient, while generating revenue and leads as well.

4. Cart Abandonment

Email marketing for ecommerce resolves cart abandonment issues as it is re- engaging customers with the abandonment cart with the help of email automation. It is your secret store weapon which restores your lost revenue.


Email marketing  is one of the most important mediums to reach out to your audience. It also helps to generate leads and revenue as well. It is a full package of marketing campaigns with cost & time effectiveness.