How Can You Use Remarketing to Boost Sales?- An Ecommerce Guide

Alka Rana ~ Modified: March 10th, 2023 ~ Ecommerce ~ 6 Minutes Reading

In this ecommerce world, there are many ways to find an audience. E-commerce Remarketing is one of them. It takes audience engagement to the next level. You will get the potential audience and be highly relevant to you.

What is Remarketing and its Objective?

E-commerce remarketing is an online marketing technique that influences buyers to revisit the website /store or complete the purchase they have left uncompleted. Remarketing occurs when a user visits your site and leaves without checkout. It is a responsive technique that targets users for successful checkout from your store/ website.

The prime objective of remarketing in ecommerce is to convert users who leave without checkout into permanent purchasers. E-commerce remarketing is effective when there is no time lapse between the cart abandonment and your marketing activities.

Strategies to Implement E-commerce Remarketing on your customers

You have a wide pool of remarketing customers who have visited your site and interacted with your brand. There are potential strategies which can drive customers to your site.

1. Fragmented your Audiences on the basis of their behavior

Different audiences have different behaviors online. It’s up to you how to fragment your audience so that you can easily remarketing.There are many ways to segment your audience to easily create personalized remarketing strategies.

a. On the basis of URL Tracking

With a URL tracking system you can differentiate remarketing ads on the basis of the page on which the shopper visited. You can show them ads about the product they have seen on the site or can also show products similar to that.

b. On the basis of Checkout Process

You can also identify and segment shoppers who abandoned their carts using the same type of URL tracking — and even record when this occurred during the checkout process. If they continued until they reached the shipping cost, for example, it might be a good idea to reach out with a coupon for free shipping in a targeted ad.

c. On the basis of Customer type

The way a buyer interacts with your website will differ from person to person. However, you can further segment customers by where they are at in their own customer journey. Customer types like: First time or returning customers, Before Purchase or After purchase, Seasonal or year round customer.

2. Customize Personalized Ads

Once you have fragmented your customers, the next step in e commerce remarketing is to create personalized ads which hit the unique customers directly. The data you have collected from users’ activity will clearly present what your customers want from your shop. You must utilize this data to streamline-target your ads & recommend the most relevant products according to their needs.

3. Cross Selling to Existing Customer

Cross selling to existing customers is the process of suggesting products similar to their past purchases. E commerce remarketing ads ensure that your company should be hits in the people’s mind whenever they think of products similar to yours.

4. Invest In Email marketing

Email Marketing is a more personalized way of interacting with customers that you can’t do in ads. You have more space to convey your message than in advertisement. Unlike E commerce remarketing ads, email marketing only reaches the subscriber list’s customers. Therefore it is important to capture the correct information so that you can target them.

Why is E commerce Remarketing Important ?

1. Brand Awareness & Exposure

E commerce remarketing helps you to build brand image and loyalty. It helps you to reach new customers and keep your brand in the mind of the existing customers and make them happy too. Ecommerce remarketing helps you to procure new audiences or remind your current audience what you are offering them.

2. Higher Conversion Rate

E commerce remarketing is the best way to reach customers who have left your store before making a purchase and it is proven that it helps to increase your conversion rates. Research shows that the customers who revisited your store/website through remarketing will lead to more conversion rate than those who visited the first time. It gives a push to the revisited customers to make a purchase.

3. Increasing CTRs

To grow business successfully, leads are very important. Most of the people never come back to your store/site. Ecommerce Remarketing ads improve your CTRs, henceforth generate more leads.

Platforms where you Run your e commerce remarketing Ads.

Before starting e commerce remarketing process, you must be familiar with the options available. There are many ways through which you can engage your potential customers. It takes time to research for the most effective platform for e commerce remarketing advertising rather than spending. Below are the list of some e commerce remarketing ads platforms:

1. Google Ads

Google ads is the widely used ecommerce remarketing platform. It allows you the ability to rank on the site with 6.3 million searches per minute. Most businesses rank themselves in this way.

2. Facebook

Facebook is yet another extremely effective way of remarketing to advertise. Your customers frequently spend the majority of their time on Facebook (1.9 billion active users a day). Your reach will be similar to Google’s, but far more targeted. It’s worth noting that people use Facebook for leisure purposes, whereas Google traffic is significantly more destination-oriented.

3. Instagram

Instagram Ads’ power is frequently underestimated. It’s true that Instagram has far fewer users than Facebook, which is something to consider. However, if you know your market well and a sizable portion of that market uses Instagram, you should capitalize just on the truth that Instagram delivers more engagement per follower than Facebook.

4. Twitter

Campaigning with Twitter Ads is a one-of-a-kind experience of remarketing . One reason to promote on Twitter is that you only pay for results. If you do not meet your marketing objectives, you will not be charged. The Cost Per Click is low, and the targeting is aggressive, utilizing keywords and targeted audiences. If you want to concentrate on your CRM, this type of remarketing advertising is recommended. Customers will get a more personal knowledge with your advertising thanks to Twitter’s interaction capabilities.


E commerce remarketing ads is the best way to build a healthy and strong relationship with customers and keep them close to your brand even if they have forgotten about it. No matter whether you are small businessmen or owning a massive store, ecommerce remarketing helps to improve engagement with customers and generate leads.